The accident record will have space for name, date, time, description of what happened, and action taken
and a space for the parents to sign when they have been notified and a space for the recording kaiako to sign. An “A” will be highlighted on the daysheet to alert parents to the fact their tamaiti (child) has had an accident and to remind them to sign the accident record. All kaiako have a duty to record accidents as soon as possible (after they have ensured the tamaiti or person is not at risk of further harm and is comforted and properly treated).
If in the opinion of the Manager, or senior kaiako, the consequences of an accident or illness to the tamaiti
are or were;
A) MINOR - then they may decide to simply record the accident/illness and advise the parent on the next
occasion they see them or
B) VERY SIGNIFICANT - then they will contact the tamaiti parents if possible or their other emergency contact, as soon as practicable, to advise them of the accident and if deemed appropriate to ask for the tamaiti to be picked up or
C) SERIOUS – then they will seek medical advice and/or treatment, contact the tamaiti parents, if possible
or their other emergency contact as soon as practicable, to advise them of the accident and if deemed
appropriate to ask for the tamaiti to be picked up or arrange for them to be taken to a Medical Centre.
Where the accident result is defined as SERIOUS HARM or a NOTIFIABLE EVENT in terms of the Health
& Safety In Employment Act (needing hospitalisation for more than 24 hours, concussion, loss of eye or limb or life) then the Worksafe will be advised as soon as practicable.
Riverton Childcare has a register for recording illness and accidents that occur to tamariki (children), kaiako (teachers) or other persons whilst they are at Childcare.