The Management and Kaiako of Riverton Childcare will ensure that everyone who has
a complaint or grievance knows the correct procedure and uses the following guidelines to achieve satisfaction.
1. In the event that it is felt necessary for a parent, caregiver, whānau, kaiako or member of the community to make a complaint in regard to a person or some aspect of the service at Riverton Childcare, the following steps should be followed:
a. In the first instance speak with the person with whom you have the problem.
b. If no satisfaction is gained, see the Tuarua.
c. If no progress speak to the Manager
d. If the problem is with the Tuarua, speak directly to the Manager.
e. If the problem is with the Manager, speak to the parent mediator (name can be found by asking the Tuarua).
f. If the complaint cannot be dealt with verbally, the complaint should be put in writing and a copy given to people involved.
g. Further discussion should follow, each person involved is entitled to a support person of their choice.
h. If a solution cannot be reached, and one or both parties wish to pursue it, an independent person, recommended by Community House, will be approached to mediate. The recommendations of the mediator will be sought.
2. If the matter concerns the welfare of a child, the Tuarua will inform all Educators immediately or through the message book or at a kaiako meeting.
3. If there is a concern about non-compliance of licence details, parents can either speak to the Manager or contact the Ministry of Education directly: 414 Moray Place, Private Bag 1971 Dunedin 9054
Phone 03 471-5200
4. This procedure will be kept in the operations manual, given to parents in the welcome book and it will be displayed on the notice board.