Parents give their permission on the enrolment form; giving specific approval to the adult:tamaiti ratio that will be used and agreeing to risk assessment below.
Impromptu walking trips will be no more than 1:5 ratio.
What might go wrong: Tamaiti lost
How can we minimise risk? Maintain ratios,
Regular head counts,
Holding hands, pairing up,
Clearly identify who is leaving Childcare – identified on daysheet at Childcare
If more than one kaiako (eg more than five children) are leaving the Childcare, each adult given a list of tamariki they are responsible for
Emergency plans? Carry mobile phone, notify Childcare immediately
What might go wrong: Tamariki hurt/injured; walking to pool; crossing road; traffic
How can we minimise risk? Sensible walking feet – staying behind the lead teacher
Identifying areas of potential danger – eg watch the step
Walk on footpath, cross road in sensible spot
Emergency plans? Carry first aid kit, carry mobile phone
What might go wrong: Tamariki have medical emergency
How can we minimise risk? If tamaiti with IHP goes, their medication should go too
All kaiako aware of specific health issues
Emergency plans? Carry medication, regular review of IHPs
What might go wrong: Natural disaster
How can we minimise risk? Have prepared evacuation plan
Emergency plans? Carry mobile phone, carry first aid kit
What might go wrong: Potential risk to personal safety
How can we minimise risk? Tamariki aware who their helpers and teachers are
Nametags in big groups
Teachers vigilant about whereabout of tamariki
Emergency plans? Notify Childcare immediately, carry mobile phone